NHS Change Day 11.3.15

Which change would you like to see ? I know you could think of quite a few I’ll bet – but just try & think of one change that’s simple – it must have a positive impact and should inspire others to take it on board 

The key aim is to think small so that it’s easy for others who work in the NHS to think “we could adopt that idea!” 

Sharing ideas will spread positivity and increase job satisfaction – and research shows that happy staff make happy patients 

Be bold – speak to someone about your idea – it might be a colleague or someone who works in a different department or perhaps your mentor or a senior manager – do research to find out if your idea is working well elsewhere – ring up that place – ‘take a chance on change’ you never know where it could lead to in terms of patient satisfaction and it will give you a good feeling inside. You will also raise the profile of your own Trust which will make everyone feel good.

For this NHS Change Day I’m pledging to become a listening mentor and to really listen to ideas that future midwives have – in a few years I’ll be retiring and so will lots of other nurses and midwives – it’s time to slowly pass the baton and yet to also keep running . 

NHS Change Day -use your pledge to make a difference 💡💡

7 thoughts on “NHS Change Day 11.3.15”

  1. Hi Jenny, I think your work with skin to skin and caesarean sections is fab. I am a 3rd year student midwife in Bangor currently doing a project on change management and normalising caesarean section and would love to have a chat about how you went about doing your campaign. Thanks, Rosie x

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